Wednesday, March 27, 2013

More ART

We went to the Minneapolis Institute of Arts on family day and part of the activities included something of a scavenger hunt. We got a booklet with a couple dozen paintings that we needed to find throughout the museum. It's a pretty big museum actually, but thankfully the booklet had a map of exactly where we needed to look. So we meandered.
And took pictures next to things that weren't in the booklet. Like the ART above.

Zoe is telling me right now that I need to add that "it had pictures in it because that was an art museum but it looked like the White House."
And I asked: "What's the White House?"
And Zoe said: The president's house.

I must say I did not know she knew that.

This may be my Facebook avatar soon.
Disturbed clown. 

Painting not in the scavenger hunt.
But Disney-related in a tangential way.

What kid (or kid's mom) isn't drawn to this?

Except just across the way a wall of animation was playing. Several screens wide.
Roman says "I liked that movie"
Roman: Because it looked pretty cool
Zoe: and it was like a graveyard
Roman: And there was Barbie heads that were cut off of people...
...that freaked me out."

Yeah, it's art folks.
A little creepy, but not over the top creepy.

Pretty dress. :)

1 comment:

Grandma Jane said...

How old did you say they are? The White House... art critics... artists. Meet the twins. Cute.