Friday, November 28, 2008

R little boy

Roman- Mr. I'm working on my neck muscle development and like to wake up for the day sometime after 8pm... I enjoy the first 5 seconds. I laugh every time I watch it (which has been several times). It's what I was trying to get on video - that moment of "whoah! I guess I 'm not in complete control of my movements". I think Zoe is a bit past this. Not totally in control, but not so roamin'. ha ha.
Check out the 35 second mark too. Hi Roman!


We spent most of Thanksgiving Day at Grandma & Grandpa B's house. Above, G-Ma B and Zoe. Below is a photo she took a few days before. I received the captioned version in my email this morning from Grandpa.
On the way home we were able to make a quick stop to see Grandma K. Since she works retail and since she works for a store that chooses to be open on holidays (bah humbug!) she wasn't able to spend time with the grandkids. She did however enjoy parading them around the store showing everyone she worked with. Good times. I'm glad we stopped to visit.

I think he's got this figured out...

More Roman pictures. Why? When we got home from our Thanksgiving outing and got both R & Z fed Roman decided he wanted to be awake, wide awake. We had put him in his vibrating chair, but alas that wasn't going to cut it. In mom's arms, yeah I think I prefer that, he said.

I put on some music (a little jazz) and danced around with him. Still awake. I had managed to get halfway ready for bed- pajama top on (the better to spit up upon). But bedtime for Mom it would not be. I told Dad to get out the camera. A photo opportunity.

The living room has become something of a disaster area. I think I better get used to it.

The piano now acts as a shelf for all the stuff we're accumulating. Supplies for daycare - 2 days/week starting on Tuesday; extra clothes for Roman (you gotta have them handy when he demands a wardrobe change throughout the day...:); iron and ironing board (never quite made it back downstairs after last week's attempt to get some 'work clothes' ready; vacuum (ditto, not quite back in it's resting spot after a quick attempt at cleaning); and the Thanksgiving Day paper, full of ads. Also note Sam, sitting under the chair in his favorite spot: right next to the large heat register. Nice and toasty for him.

This Black Friday I actually took advantage of exactly one deal: The Tickle me Cookie Monster and Tickle me Ernie. $5 each at Big Lots, of which there is one 2 minutes from our house. Good deal and I didn't have to fight crowds to get it. I was up at 5 something feeding Roman and made my way over 10 minutes before the doors opened. There were probably 11 people in front of me, of which probably 11 went in search of the same deal.

Meanwhile I must plan my strategy for Zoe's photo shoot...3 more days off (woo hoo!) to accomplish it. Lucky me. Dad goes into work today but should be home this weekend, which is really, really nice. Mom misses him.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Another sleeping photo

Even on one of those days where you're exhausted (and I mean exhausted) and you see your baby sleeping, well, it has to make you smile. Mr. Roman and Ms. Zoe look so sweet when they're asleep. Above Roman is sucking on his finger which will help in the frantic searches for his beloved pacifer. If he can suck his own finger we might be good. But when the time comes to ween him off...maybe not.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Week 9

Okay, the photos reflect week 9 less one day. Sundays are going to be picture day. I thought I'd better start dressing them in some of the outfits that they'll be outgrowing soon. This matching set came from Kitty. She became an aunt again last week with the birth of little Francis Louise. Francis' mom worked at the Baby Gap and outfitted us with some adorable clothes, including the blue hoodie and pants Roman was wearing in the previous post.

I picked this photo because it highlights one of those details about Roman I don't want to forget. Sometimes when he sleeps, often when one of us is holding him, his mouth scrunches up like this. So cute. Don't we all think our kids are adorable? And aren't they? :)

It reminds me that we're happy they've developed a layer of fat. They were so skinny when they were born. Mom is SO HAPPY to be spending the weekend with both Roman & Zoe. Going back to work was tough and thankfully this upcoming week is a short one because of the Thanksgiving Holiday. Mom will have a four day weekend with you again. Unfortunately dad is working long days, including this weekend and it probably won't let up until the new year.

It kind of looks like Zoe is punching Roman, huh? An indication of things to come? Zoe wasn't too keen on settling in for a picture with her brother:

As I was getting ready to put Zoe in the Snugli carrier (thanks Liz & Kevin!) so that I could sit down with free hands and download these photos I noticed she was now ready for her closeup. I think she likes the individual attention. Smart girl.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Family photo

Last week - Sam is in the background. He used to be my baby. He put up with Mike's two cats moving in, but this...Two babies...He's a little miffed.

Wicket, on the other hand, is mama Cat. She likes to make sure we're taking care of the babies.

Kneesa...He just wants to make sure he goes along when we're packing a suitcase (and no, we're not going anywhere soon!)

(our right leaning) little boy

One thing we'd noticed about Roman was that he prefers to turn his head to the right. Right leaning - Uncle Dave would be proud.

Mom and Dad try to steer him the other direction, or lay him in the crib so he has to turn his head left to see away from the wall. But alas, to the right. On Friday's clinic visit the doctor pointed this out as well. She noticed his neck muscles weren't evenly developed/strong. Now we need to actually stretch his neck by turning him to the left and holding down his right shoulder. This should help. Otherwise she said she'd send us to a physical therapist in a month.

Other than Roman's persistent spitting up (he's the clothes diva - 4 to 5 changes a day sometimes) he is looking good.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Baby girl

Yesterday was Mom's first day back to work. It was rough, but I think today was rougher. I miss my kids! Tonight I'm giving them a 1000 kisses each.
Zoe's sleeping soundly in my arms now.

The Grandparents Ba had the twins at their house. Earlier today I emailed Grandpa Ba and asked him to take pictures when the little ones were awake. Here is Zoe and since I wasn't home on the official week 8 anniversary of their birth this will have to do...

When Uncle Andy saw Roman today he said he'd grown in the two weeks since he'd seen him. I'm anxious to see what they weigh when we visit the doctor on Friday. I'm not anxious to witness the first of a series of shots.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Back to work...

Lunch time ramblings:
Mom's first day back at work and she really, really misses the little ones. Can't stop looking at pictures.

Just saw the one of Roman held by Dad; eyes open and causing a wrinkled forehead. It reminds me of when I'm holding one of them and go to kiss their forehead. When I can feel the little wrinkles in the forehead I know their alert and awake. Doh. Momma's gonna have some good cuddle time tonight.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Shannon -Thanks for visiting!

Well Aunt Shannon is on her way home to Chicago now. Both Mom and Dad really enjoyed her visit - we wish we lived closer to each other! :) Zoe and Roman are lucky to have such a kind and generous aunt. They'll be decked out in cute outfits for awhile! Above is one set. Most of the others, even though they are labelled newborn are still a bit big for our preemies. We'll be updating the blog as they begin to fill them out.


Grandparents.G-ps. Yes, I'll just keep generating nicknames until one sticks. Or until the twins are old enough to come up with their own for all of us.

Friday night G & G Ba babysat so Mom, Dad and Aunt Shannon could leave the house together. It seemed like a good idea to get Shannon out of the small confines of our house and see a little bit of the Twin Cities. It was just a little bit - we ended up eating out at Axel's Bonfire on Grand Avenue. Hopefully next time she visits the weather will be nice and the twins more mobile!

Grandma K, aka G-Maw, babysat on Saturday so Mom, Dad and Aunt Shannon could make a trip to the Mall of America. Nobody told the shopper's that the economy was crap - it was busy. Maybe the new American Doll store? Lots of strollers as well, which I had to peak in. Nope, not as cute as our twins ;)

This little piggie went to market...

We haven't had much opportunity to gaze on the twins toes. The weather is cool and we're making sure the little ones are properly covered up. Roman doesn't like to keep socks on, he wiggles himself out of them. And most of his outfits have "feet" in them anyway, so the little piggies don't get viewed.

Yesterday was picture day at the B household. Roman had on some pants, sans socks, and we got the above shot of Roman's feet. How can feet be so cute? So small and soft. Apparently not ticklish yet either.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Friday's outing

With Shannon here it's a bit easier to get out of the house with the twins. It's not easy, but it's easier.
Yesterday we made a visit to my work and today to Dad's.
I'm still figuring out how to dress them for the weather. It's not super cold yet, but we opted to put them in their snowsuits.

We brought dad some lunch (Taco Bell- mmmm)

Shannon got the nickel tour of the shop, Kitty fed the eager Roman his bottle and Kitty's pregnant 1-week-past-her-due-date sister (that's quite a mouthful) held Zoe. We were trying to talk her as yet unborn daughter to make an appearance this weekend. Come on little girl! You've got two playmates waiting for you! :)

I thought we'd better take a family photo in Dad's office.
Apparently neither Zoe or Roman were up for it.

A visitor!

Auntie Shannon flew up from Chicago on Tuesday and has been getting to know Roman and Zoe. She's been a big help and we're glad she could visit! I must say you guys are lucky to have such a wonderful aunt. She'll forgive you for spitting up on her, but I must warn you that she'll have some things to tease you about when you're older. Let's just say your gas is legendary.

We also got to watch video of R & Z's uncle Rob and new aunt Kristen's wedding that we missed in early October. It was fun to see, we're just sad we missed being there!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Monday, November 10, 2008

7 weeks

Today marks the 7 weeks on this planet for little Zoe and little Roman. How did they celebrate? A pint of lager and a piece of cake? No, just more of the same. How about I poopa da pants for you, mama? Sorry, conversation in the B household revolves around farts, burps and da poopy pants.

Today's Mom's last day alone at home with the two little ones. Auntie Shannon is coming for a visit tomorrow and will be here until Sunday. On Monday Mom goes back to work (ugh). It's going to be a crazy month. Both are still eating every 3 hours, round the clock. Zoe's eating about 4 ounces and Roman 3, 3 1/2. Except Roman has a bit of an issue with spitting up. He's still on the Neosure, so it's higher calorie stuff. They're taking in about equal amounts in calories I think.

Roman, above

Zoe, below

Both are actually napping now (amazing!), maybe it was picture time that wore them out.

Or playing in their 'gym' right after the photos above (thanks great aunt & uncle Jannie and Gordon!)

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Cartoon Bubble needed

Roman, contemplating the life ahead

Zoe does the same.

Now when we put them together...

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Sleepy Time

More photos from our 6 week olds

Look at that smile! Roman's very happy in the bouncy chair

Zoe's not so sure about Mom getting in on her portrait!

November 4 @ home

Both R & Z were awake after their mid afternoon bottles, so I thought I'd better mark their due date (today) with some pictures. And since I (mom) am taking 95% of the pictures I thought I'd better work on getting some with me in them. Otherwise years from now it will be "where is mom in all these pictures?". Or at least that's what I'm hoping they'd ask! :)

So thanks to Grandpa Ba's (to differentiate Chicago Grandpa Bu)tripod and a timer on the camera I was able to get a few...

Today I am 6 (weeks): Caption contest

Roman: Knock, knock, knocking on heaven's door
Zoe: Dude, you rock

Due date

No new pictures, but I thought it was noteworthy that today is the twins due date. Lucky us, we've got some extra "preview" time to get to know our little cuties. In the last couple of weeks it's dawned on me that we're going to look back fondly on the days when they were so little. They already seem so big, even though they're right at a good, healthy term weight. We're enjoying them where they are at. I must admit though that it's a relief to have them beyond that super fragile stage and past the point where getting them to finish a bottle was a struggle. Now if they don't finish, well it's okay.

Right now I've got Zoe in the Snugli, tucked up nice and warm. She's been waking up crying, but only briefly. The scared cry. Breaks my heart. I give her a kiss and tell her it'll be okay. She keeps on sleeping. Her brother is being mighty quiet in his crib, but I anticipate he'll wake up soon and act his frantic hungry self! Mike and I are still amused by his method of latching onto the bottle. Shaking the head back and forth and latching on like he hasn't eaten in hours and hours. Usually only 3.