Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Due date

No new pictures, but I thought it was noteworthy that today is the twins due date. Lucky us, we've got some extra "preview" time to get to know our little cuties. In the last couple of weeks it's dawned on me that we're going to look back fondly on the days when they were so little. They already seem so big, even though they're right at a good, healthy term weight. We're enjoying them where they are at. I must admit though that it's a relief to have them beyond that super fragile stage and past the point where getting them to finish a bottle was a struggle. Now if they don't finish, well it's okay.

Right now I've got Zoe in the Snugli, tucked up nice and warm. She's been waking up crying, but only briefly. The scared cry. Breaks my heart. I give her a kiss and tell her it'll be okay. She keeps on sleeping. Her brother is being mighty quiet in his crib, but I anticipate he'll wake up soon and act his frantic hungry self! Mike and I are still amused by his method of latching onto the bottle. Shaking the head back and forth and latching on like he hasn't eaten in hours and hours. Usually only 3.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice to know Zoe and Roman were considerate and came ahead of election day 2008! I know it has to be such a relief to be beyond the fragile early days and seeing them grow by leaps and bounds.
Enjoy this precious time, though so full and busy. They are So Sweet. Loved your sharing today and following them by your posts. annie