Friday, November 14, 2008

Friday's outing

With Shannon here it's a bit easier to get out of the house with the twins. It's not easy, but it's easier.
Yesterday we made a visit to my work and today to Dad's.
I'm still figuring out how to dress them for the weather. It's not super cold yet, but we opted to put them in their snowsuits.

We brought dad some lunch (Taco Bell- mmmm)

Shannon got the nickel tour of the shop, Kitty fed the eager Roman his bottle and Kitty's pregnant 1-week-past-her-due-date sister (that's quite a mouthful) held Zoe. We were trying to talk her as yet unborn daughter to make an appearance this weekend. Come on little girl! You've got two playmates waiting for you! :)

I thought we'd better take a family photo in Dad's office.
Apparently neither Zoe or Roman were up for it.

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