Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Alliteration Game

I can't say that I knew what alliteration was when I was 5. Or 10. 12? Maybe. 15? Most likely.
41? Sure I remember.

Zoe gets a book a week and is tasked with getting it back the next Wednesday after reading it with a parent and making an entry into her journal. Pictures, words, whatever. It's a early literacy activity that is really rather cool. Apparently it is something that is tied to the Americorps staffer who is in Zo's class to help kids who need a little extra to get up to speed, but she had enough books for every child, so every child gets one. Good. Although sometimes its like pulling teeth to get her to sit down and make an entry, which is rather ironic since she comes home with a minimum of 5 pieces of paper every day. Sometimes its just her name, but usually it's a picture of some sort. Volumes.
So tonight all 3 of us were reading the Dr. Seuss book (Apples Up on Top) . Suddenly Roman says something about alliteration. Uh, excuse me? "That's when words sound the same at the beginning." You bet.  Apparently there is a little ditty they sing and then they are asked to give a thumbs up or a thumbs down on whether a pairing of words fits the definition. So off we went.
I thought I'd be tricky and said "Bat. Cat." There's no foolin' the boy. After awhile I asked Roman how many he got right in class "All of them."
Ok. Can't wait to see how they did on the last round of testing. Last fall they were well into kindergarten level, which probably makes sense for their age.

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