Saturday, November 1, 2014



And our neighborhood Zombie Ninja, Matthew.

All dressed up for the party hosted by our neighbor.

An opportunity for the kids to show off their costumes.
Gavin, Matthew, Zoe, Gabe and Roman.

I think was the first time the kiddos took the responsibility for prepping and carving their own pumpkin.

Roman's. The classic.
He's already made suggestions for improvement next year.

Zoe and Roman's. 
Zoe's is a princess, complete with tiara and necklace.
And eyelashes.

Dressed for the party at school. 
Mermaid and Spiderman. Why stay consistent?!

I think we were all excited to trick or treat in our new neighborhood and when Matthew's mom asked if the 5 kids on the court wanted to do it together, we were in!
Matthew, Roman, Zoe, Gabe and Gavin.
Zoe's bus buddy Keira also ran into us as we started and joined the fun. 
It was cold. It afforded Zoe the opportunity to dress up as what she originally wanted to be: a witch. With a winter coat on the Hat was all that mattered. And the cape. It worked out. 

As you can see. Wow!

The candy. And Grandma Candy stayed and passed out candy while we were having fun going door to door.

The morning after. 
Without any sort of prompt he dumped his candy and started organizing it.
And when he had to take it off the table he put it in 3 bags: chocolate, fruity and sticky (this I think had two things: rice crispie bar and peanut butter blossom/taffy thing).
That's my boy.

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