Friday, June 24, 2016

A weekend away.

It's the summer or a little more pre-planning (in order to get the deals!)

 And enjoying a cold one (if that's your thing)

And it's all of our things.

Even if sometimes we are feeling a little bit....


Lakes. Minnesota. Summer. 
Good combination.

Makes one feel demure.

Or ca-razy.

There's that beer again.

And Dad looking in the water (I told you this is a thing)

A little shopping and posing with....I'm not sure what it is. A bull fish?
In Cross Lake, MN

We spent a couple nights at Manhattan Beach Lodge, just north of Cross Lake.

Water is the thing up there, so we rented a canoe. 
A fun filled, not yelling at each other spin around the lake.
Yeah, right!!!
We did see a real loon super up close (those red eyes!) and this one, in someone's yard.

We had a little bonfire accident with a picnic table.
No, not really. Well SOMEONE did.
Apparently the wedding party that was staying the previous weekend made some bad choices. Wonder if alcohol was involved??

The kids were excited to go fishing. The last morning we spent some time fishing off the dock and they each got 5 or 6 fish. Itty bitty ones, but you wouldn't know it by the excitement level.

Got to enjoy a nice sunset.
Despite the thumbs down, it was thumbs up.
Zoe likes to photo bomb.

Thumbs up.

This should be Mikes Facebook profile pic


or lounging.

I don't know why I forget that if we go into a store it's whine fest.
Broke down and they got to pick a little item.
Another stuffed animal?

Are you kidding me?


Gave Zoe the camera for a bit.


Then a lovely dinner on the patio

with this view.

We stopped at the Mille Lac Indian Museum (MN Historical Society stop!)
Which included a stop in the 4 seasons room, which was pretty interesting.


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