Sunday, December 18, 2011

Time to...

Camp out in the kitchen.

I got a kick out of watching you try to shake the blanket straight. Shake. Shake. Shake. Shake. Shake some more. Does it ever get to a perfect place where you can lay it down in one nice flat blanket? No. Shake. Shake. Shake. Shake your booty. 

Then take a rest. This was a good hour of fun, totally without direction by me. 
Pretend play is good. And as your dad said, you two mimic to learn.

This morning Zo declared she wanted a mop. And a fridge. And a vacuum.  Then she mumbled something about what she'd do with all these fantastic items.  Yeah, I took note of the calendar. One WEEK before Christmas. Ahem. She also told me she wanted lipstick and Grandpa Mike came thru on that one when he visited last weekend - Miss Zo got a hair care set. Hairbrush, dryer, flat iron, plastic LIPSTICK. Score. I was thinking the kiddie kind of chapstick, but this was much better. 

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