Thursday, December 8, 2011

zoo time

Score! 2 free zoo passes at the library when I went to drop off books on Tuesday. 

I got the leopard sharks in focus. We did spend some time trying to pet one of these (no, actually you weren't interested in touching the shark...but the bat ray, that's up your alley). It always feels wrong to be able to touch them, but when a volunteer came over and asked if we had touched one yet I figured we better give it a try. The rays had been splashing around the tank. Kind of fun to watch, and especially when the place is vacant. Wednesday morning in early December: good time to go to the zoo.

Fish viewing with a pal, 


all alone...

Makes no difference. That seahorse is still going to look like a leafy plant! How amazing.

The tide pool causes some running (although the starfish that becomes visible as the waves recede is pretty cool to you).

And Nemo's friends too.

Last time we were here the penguin exhibit was new. And there were a gazillion kids.

Not today.

You got to see them swim up close. I even got some video of you chasing them back and forth. They knew you were there.

Even the little guys out of the water were pretty cool.

But the bird show, that was the best! The zoo's got a new indoor theater where they can do the show during the winter.  This was cool. We had a couple go over our heads (and I think one of them touched my head!). There's one bird  that is a regular - Coconut. You guys remembered this and later in the day Zoe would amuse me to no end. She'd stick her arm straight out like she was carrying Coconut around. When she got tired she'd carefully set him in the stroller.  Little girl!

La tortuga.

Zoe: "He looks like a skunk"

Everytime we've been to the zoo this West African dwarf crocodile always looks like a statue. More than once I've thought that it's not real. This time I poked my head way up to the glass. Since he was so close I could see him really well. He didn't move, but his eye did something funky. Then I saw him breath. He's real. 
Zoe wouldn't go near him.

I got her to stand next to the sign, reluctantly. We had an experience earlier this summer with an alligator. I don't recall if I shared the story here, but I will tell it again. I think you might remember this one. Something about fear tends to stick with us.
Your grandma Candy, Roman and I went to the Mall of America a few months back. At one point we stopped in front of the Rainforest Cafe. The place is all decked out like a....rainforest. The entrance to the gift shop has a little pond with a fiberglass alligator in it. You two were interested. As were a bunch of kids who were sitting there watching it. Well, much to Zoe's surprise he opened up his mouth. 
Loudest little girl scream you'd ever hear.
Big Tears
Fight or flight?
Flight, 100%
So Zoe doesn't care for crocodiles or alligators. Or snakes. That's another experience I think you'll remember from this year. Short version: we went to the pet store and the moment I said "ew! Look at the snake" little Miss Zoe stepped on a piece of hard plastic. FREAKED HER OUT. We had to leave and when we got to the car she made me take off her shoes. 

Flamingos? They made Zoe stand on one leg. Didn't catch it on film, but it's true. :)

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