Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Fancy Clothes

Last night during storytime Roman said to me "Mom, mom, mom....I dream about girls."
Imagine my surprise.
So I asked him about this.
Apparently the girls are in fancy clothes.
And where are you Roman, in this dream?
"Hiding behind a chair"
"They want ME to dress up in fancy clothes"
Ok then.
Fast forward to today. In an attempt to get them to take an actual nap (ha!), I laid down in Zoe's bed. After a fair amount of tossing, turning, blanket wrangling and fights for space I fell half asleep. Roman and Zoe, however did not.
At some point they decided to take down their piggy banks.
And at such point Roman cracked his open. I awoke to requests to go shopping. Well no, I awoke to the little hand held vacuum going off (I will not complain).
Got money. Gotta spend, spend, spend it.
Instead we counted the money that Zoe had stuffed in her little purse (bills -wow!) and Mom took note of the full makeup bag full of coin... A decision was made to make a trip to the bank and make a savings account deposit. But they could have a bit to spend. Turns out 14% was their take. Random number, eh?

Roman was certain of what he wanted. Another car? A plane? Legos? No. A doll. A boy doll. A companion for Zoe's Monster High Draculaura doll. He knew the guys name (Deuce Gorgon - I hadn't heard of it, but apparently he had studied and had read to him the characters in the series). I'm betting Grandma Candy had a hand in that one. As we made our way to the store I warned Roman that they may not have it and he agreed that he could save his money so we could look elsewhere.

Turns out Target didn't have him in stock.
How do you think that went?

Ken! I want Ken!
Beach Ken, to match Zoe's beach Barbie (with extra swimming gear outfit). And what extra set of clothes for Ken caught Roman's eyes?
Surfer dude shorts?
Plaid shirt and hiking boots?
Guess again.
A polka dot tuxedo.
Fancy Clothes.
So in his dreams Roman is not ready to wear fancy clothes, but apparently in real life Ken is ready and willing to do so.
Wonder if Roman's going to want to kill me someday for this story?

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