Tuesday, September 3, 2013

First Day of Preschool

All ready to go.

Found his locker.

Found her hook.

These two are in two different classes, which I'm thinking I agonized about more than them. Hopefully they'll see each other at play time on the playground after lunch.

Found his name on the board outside his room. Spikey hair just like him.

They both were totally fine. Mom and Dad dropped them off on this first day of school Dad thought Mom was going to make Zoe cry when she was hugging her goodbye (starting to freak her out a bit?).  Mainly because Mom was looking at the little girl sitting at the table eating her cereal with tears in her eyes. Brave little one missing her mama but soldiering on. I told Zoe there may be some kids who were sad and needed a friend. She's good at that, as Dad reminded me in the car on the way home.  After goodbyes Zoe wandered away and Mom was left feeling more abandoned than Zo. 
We got Roman to his room...and he was mostly focused on finding a dinosaur book to look at. 
My babies!


Grandma Jane said...

Bulletin Board printed my story about Roman & Zoe's first school day in paper today. Our slogan: Keep calm and carry on. Not easily done. Grandma Jane

Anonymous said...

Was wondering about the first day of school. Glad Gma survived! Well, now Ro and Zo can 'compare notes' on each one's day! Love, annie