Monday, October 21, 2013

Vacation photo dump

How did we get to mid October??!

Weren't we just being amazed by the Lake?

Having fun impersonating wolves?

Little red riding hood, you sure are looking good...

Not all moments of "wow", but a lot of them.

We set the expectation limit at zero

How could we be disappointed?


We got in a lakeside fire

With marshmallows.

and a gorgeous sunset.

good sleeping weather.
We actually had to wake you two up in the morning.
That NEVER happens.

But all the fun was starting to hit its toll.

Until we got to a rocky beach again.

In Copper Harbor, MI

And then a car ride up, up, up

And on the other side of the peninsula.

A sandy beach.

Where Dad found a nice rock for Marble, the turtle. Except it's a massive rock that doesn't come close to fitting in the tank. Still a cool rock. It's going to float around the yard until it finds a home. 

We headed back to the hotel we stayed at our first night in Michigan. And this time I insisted on sitting our for the sunset.

Last day: into the Porcupine Mountains.

Starting to drag... 

And he's out. 

"No words!"
(stop reading mom and LET'S GO)

It was a very fun trip.
Set the bar right from the start.

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