Saturday, January 18, 2014

Anxiously Awaiting...

...the departure of Zoe's lower front tooth.
It's been loose since Christmas break and I thought it might come out before she went back.
Then I thought for sure it was going to be out on Wednesday night.
And we (or maybe I) suffered the incessant questioning.
"Is it going to come our tonight, Mom?"
"Maybe, it's pretty loose."
5 minutes later.
"Is it going to come out?"
"I don't know Zoe"
3 minutes later
"It's really loose"
"I know"
2 minutes later
"Is it going to come out tonight. I WANT it to come out tonight"
"You do? Why?"
"I want the tooth fairy to come!"
"Ah. Well, we'll see"
5 minutes
"Why isn't it coming out?"
And repeat.

Got me thinking that the tooth fairy needs to have a plentiful supply of small bills. And maybe even a fancy little container to put it in. And maybe she'll even leave a little note.
One never knows.

It's still hanging on, but just barely.

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