Sunday, June 14, 2015


"Mom, why do you keep saying that?"

Well first there were geese, and then with geese there is goose poop....but then there was this.

Decent playground, right next to a couple picnic pavilions and bathrooms with running water (always a plus).
Notice the hair? She wanted it cut, so we went yesterday. I advised the cutter to keep a few more inches than Ms Zoe indicated.

They've come a long way on the playground equipment. There isn't much they won't try at this point. I don't know why I was so surprised it took this long!

I gotta say my phone takes some pretty sharp pictures!

I had Zoe take my picture. We started down this path, but the grass got to be tall and wispy. Zoe said she didn't like to walk in grass unless she had tall socks, and she didn't have tall socks.  Okay then. I think this had something to do with the morning's conversation about wearing tall socks in the woods to avoid ticks.

We turned around and went back to the car on the paved path. Halfway there Zoe screamed bloody murder because a spider momentarily landed on her hand. FREAK OUT!

Ah, I don't think we'll be camping anytime soon, although I am liking these Sunday morning walks.

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