Sunday, June 7, 2015

Last Day of School

to bookend the first day of school

We attended two different 'graduation ceremonies'. Each class sang a couple songs and in Roman's they were awarded an award that suited their skills. Upon presentation they were asked their favorite part of kindergarten. Roman's answer "choice time" which I think is right up there with lunch and recess. Choice time is when they get to pick what they play with.

The Shark Award, for your fierce skills in science.

Zoe had a ceremony about an hour after Roman's. She'd picked out her dress a few days before. The content of their graduations was top secret, but Zoe did ask me the morning of graduation if I though a kazoo would fit in the bow of the back of her dress.

Kazoo time for 'Happy Trails to You' and "You are My Sunshine"
Both classes sang 'First Grade, First Grade" to the tune of NewYork, New York....Start spreading the news, we're leaving today...we want to be a part of it, First Grade, First Grade...if we can make it here, we'll make it here we come First Grade, First Grade."

The graduate.

The sign that greeted us outside the classroom. 

With her friend, Alex.

And with Gabe.

And Mrs. Johnson. I think Zoe is going to miss her.
But she's in good hands...

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