Thursday, May 12, 2016

Nerstrand Big Woods State Park (Mother's Day)

State park #3 if you're keeping count.
#1 William OBrien (Marine)
#2 Interstate (Taylors Falls)

A hop, skip and a jump.
Ok, about an hour's drive.

Let's go for a walk.

Actually, let's grab one of those free kits for kids while we're at it.
Magnifying glass, wildflower identification book.

That was a good idea for about 5 minutes. 
And then it was ALL ABOUT THE WHINING.
I tell ya!!
Based on the trail map I've marked above, over a mile of constant, unrelenting whining. My legs hurt. I'm hungry (we ate lunch an hour ago!). I don't want to walk. There's a bug! I'm hot. I'm cold. I'm hungry (here, have some banana chips). I don't like banana chips! ETC.
But I hoped the site toward the end of the walk would help.
First we came upon this tree.
With a built in ledge.

Starting to whine less.

A smile?
Then not too far down the path we got to the waterfall.

I got my Mother's Day photo with the kids.


And I'm looking forward to exploring more this summer!

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