Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Forestville/Mystery Cave/National Eagle Center

On our stop of Minnesota Historical sites....Forestville.
A walk back in time to the first decade of the 20th century. So what did I take picture of?

Feeding the chickens.


and a carriage.
Fancy schmancy.
We didn't make Dad take them for a ride, ala a rickshaw, but we were told it's been done.

and a big bug on the path

Mystery Cave at the State park of the same name.

Kids didn't get too freaked out, even when we went to a portion and the ranger turned off the lights so we could see how dark it really was in there.
Like dark dark.

Pointing Mike.

the lake.

Pretty girl.
Flowers everywhere.
Since the kids aren't as enthusiastic about getting there photo taken, I have to focus on something!

Zoe, working on her junior naturalist book...

1/2 the party had picture fatigue by the time we got to Wabasha's National Eagle Center.
But it was pretty cool to see these guys up close.  The eagles, that is. I get to see the twins most days up close.
These were injured birds that couldn't fly.

Even now when I think about it....I get a picture of Sam the Eagle in my head.

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