Monday, August 29, 2016

Sugar Lake

We were lucky enough to have Uncle Andy and Aunt Laura invite us to stay with them up north at Sugar Lake Lodge.
This resulted in some good cousin time.

Reading. Always important.

A little golf cart ride around the townhouse (and a neighbor who told Andy to cut it out)

And lake time!

Attempts at a paddle board.

which they handled quite well.

And some play time with cousin Audrey. 
What. a. doll.

Zoe loved the big, shallow beach until I went to take something off her leg and is stretched out long. A leech. 
No more beach for Zoe. Good thing this happened at the end of our beach visit.

Gotta enjoy some watermelon!

and some yard games.


this photo turned out nice! on the way back from the beach.

on the pedal boat. My speed.
We actually did get out on double kayaks the next day. I tipped it over 2 times (with Zoe in it) before successfully getting in. Yeah, graceful as heck.

The water has lots of pretty shades of blue/green.

An evening on the lake. very pretty. 

...not always in the mood for photos

there are these great little decks on the water with a couple of adirondack chairs.

a great place for Mike to look for creatures

or for me to attempt a selfie.


Andy, Laura and Audrey took a canoe out.

What an awesome three nights!

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