Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Bouncy Bouncy

We've moved from the stationary or semi stationary "bouncy" seat to the jumper. I like to call the jumper the bouncy bouncy seat. That's what it does. Or that's what the kids make it do. Grandma Jane picked one up awhile back and I found one at a sale this past weekend. Dad got her cleaned up and now we have two, side by side in the living room. BOUNCY BOUNCY. It's pretty darn funny. It's kind of going to be sad to see some of the old equipment go. But when we put them in the swing and it doesn't swing, well I think it's time to move on. We're not there yet, but I see the day...

This morning we got up around 7 (my day home with the kids), I brought the kids out to the kitchen and did a little tidying up. Then time for cereal. Good stuff. They were patient...I let their tummies settle a bit before letting them play on the bouncy bouncy. By the time they got to the bouncy bouncy, about an hour and a half later, I figured it was a good opportunity to take a quick shower. As soon as I was out I went to check on the kids.

Here is what I found.

Mom, I'm so TIRED. I didn't expect nap time that early but hey, whatever works.

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