Monday, December 27, 2010

anecdotal anecdotes

It looked like Roman was chewing on something, so Mike asked him what he had in his mouth. Roman's response: "teeth!"

This morning I went downstairs to start some laundry. I thought the kids were sufficiently occupied for me to do this. It did get quiet. When I got to the top of the stairs I saw Zoe's blanket sitting on the floor. No Zoe. (Clue #1). Then I notice that the cookie tin from the neighbors was no longer sitting on top of the stove (clue #2). I went out to the living room and behold, a cookie tin and two little taste testers. I yelled and scared the heck out of Zoe, so much that I felt bad afterward.  They must have heard me coming because they got the top back on. When I looked inside two of the big cookies had nibbles off all around them (the chocolate crumbs on their face didn't help either). They're starting to get crafty.
I let them finish their cookies. But in their high chairs.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ahhhhhh, teeth eh? And, the cookies sure brought back memories too. Enjoy, enjoy these precious years. Love, annie