Friday, December 31, 2010

Time machine back to the early 70's

Your Grandpa Jon has been hard at work going thru scanning, touching up and saving piles of negatives and slides that he's got laying around. "So you kids don't have to do it when I'm gone". Yeah, this is how Grandparents start to talk (I'm sure - I'm hoping - I will one day too). Here and there we get a picture. Here's what was in my inbox this morning.

A bit a of a resemblence to Roman?! The eyes have it.

I'm still astounded sometimes at how much Zoe looks like Mike (again, the eyes or more accurately the eyebrows). Very dramatic arch on that girl!  It's so funny how we've kind of crossed genders on some of the resemblances.  Although I guess I was told by my oldest brother Dan's friends that I reminded them of him too. Maybe in the gestures and things. It gets tough to see resemblences in your own family.

By the way, Grandpa Jon is looking for more traffic on his newly updated blog (a new years resolution perhaps), so give it a view:


Anonymous said...

what memories. Our little darling. I remember the top was dark pink. Zoe would like it. You were the sweetest little girl. MOM

darcie said...

That's amazing!
And how lucky you are to be getting your hands on these pictures!