Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Friday morning Miss Zo was all fired up (as usual). This seems to be normal for her...chit chatty and all that. She declared "tomorrow I'm going to go see Santa".  All season she's been reluctant to go see Santa. We've suggested it a few times and she's not been interested. Nope. So we figured it was best not to push it. We aren't going to force it on the child!
  So when she said she wanted to see him I thought 1)This is like wearing the skeleton pajamas the day AFTER Halloween. Not sure what the 'thing' is, but ok 2) It's getting a bit late to go see Santa. So I told her "Santa's going to be busy getting ready for Christmas honey, we can't go see him".

Not a whining cry, but devastated "what am I going to do if I don't go see Santa?" She said she wanted to have her picture taken with broke my heart. So....Friday night we made the trek to Maplewood Mall to see Santa. Did we wait in line an hour? Yes. Was the little girl happy? Yes.


Jane said...

Oh, Zoe. Tugs at the heart to thinkk of her collapsing in tears about missing her chance with Santa. So sweet that you decided to brave the crowd, wait in line and make a little girls dream come true. I love the picture.
Grandma Jane

Anonymous said...

I do too. annie

darcie said...

oh sweetheart!
What great parents these kiddos have! And this picture? PERFECT!