Monday, February 11, 2013

Plane time (1)

Un-disturbed amounts of time to do whatever I want? How about a little picture review and written documentation? Ok. Problem is, this is going to be reliant on my memory of what I’ve already posted since as I write I have no internet access. No FREE internet access.(I wonder how that is going to change by the time you read this. I got a ‘smartphone’ a year ago and it’s already changed how I behave or at least interact with the internet. I can’t even imagine what it’s going to look like in 10 years. Onward we go.)

Christmas. Am I that far behind? Yes.
Grandma Candy got you each your very own tree. Blue. And pink. And you decorated it all on your own. Spiderman glove? Sure. Makes sense to me. So randomly pretty.

See the plastic jack-o-lantern? It’s a bit obstructed by Zoe, but you must surmise that time is an objective thing in our house. In fact, as I write this (Feb 11) there’s still a wreath (fluffy and feathery) hanging up on the wall. I missed it when the rest of the Christmas stuff went back and did the “Ah, there’s the ONE thing that I missed” and left it at that. Maybe by Easter it’ll be back in its box. Priorities people.  Energy dispersed in the most important spots.
Also see: turtle (“just a couple of weeks"….scratch that. ..months…)

Grandma Candy with her favorite grand kids. And the snowflake ornaments she got for their tree.

And the Charlie Brown tree she gave us. Along with two wooden trains given to the kids by Gary, a fellow I worked with for 10 years. A short time later they made these fire trucks at preschool (or Shawn’s house) and I thought “how perfect!” Instant art exhibit.

Dinosaur Traaaaain! Roman likes dinosaurs. He even watched Jurassic Park with his dad, which resulted in the “let’s not rush them into bigger kid movies…" discussion. I want them to still like Winnie the Pooh because that’s how old they are!. Although I just watched Peewee’s Big Adventure with them yesterday (couldn’t wait…and they loved it).

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