Thursday, July 18, 2013


You do continue to astound me.
It's gotten more time consuming and energy sucking to care for you guys, but that's just what happens. What happened to blogging (let's record EVERY moment)??!
Tonight we ate at Subway before going to Zoe's dance lesson.  Part of the meal was a little dolphin themed mobile and on it were some environmental tips.
Don't let helium balloons fly away (on purpose!) because animals might mistake them for food and eat them.  
Don't litter.
What's litter?
I explained. Ah. It's fun to teach vocabulary (until I can't explain a word...actually it's the conceptual/science stuff where I get to the end of my rope and resort to "ask your dad about that").
Your minds are like steel traps. You remember.
10 or 15 minutes later we stopped at a store (purple glittery nail polish anyone?) and on the walk to another nearby store I saw a paper coffee cup in the middle of the sidewalk and not much further ahead a trash can. I picked it up and put the litter in the right place. "Don't litter!" That's right kids. Good deed of the day.
We shop (dollar store dolphin shaped floatie anyone?). On the way back to the car Zoe turns to me and asks "do you know who should litter?" Huh. No, Zoe I don't.  "A cat! In a litter box!"
Garbage and poop, actually not so far away.

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