Thursday, July 18, 2013


Turns out, I got rid of the two kiddie pools we had. The baby one was definitely too big and the other a fit of "we're going to be moving, lets get rid of extra stuff" I put it out on the curb last year. Someone is enjoying it.

And someone else is enjoying the new one we got (that's way easier to empty by the way).


Or simply float.
I had you guys signed up for swim lessons last fall, just after you turned 4. Probably too soon. But you're coming along. We found a neighborhood wading pool and went there a few weeks ago too. Summer is dwindling (impossible), so we will take full advantage of being outdoor.

1 comment:

Grandma Jane said...

We bought one just like that last summer. I would have given it to you if I knew you would use it.
They sure look like they are having fun.