Friday, September 19, 2014

Parent Night at school

A list of all the kids in the school. Traditional names? Some. But some not so much. Mike and Mary selected something not so Mike and Mary, and so have a lot of parents.

Look, apples!

With birthdays coming up. 

We saw this on the way in.
We laughed.

And the sign explained the face.

Tee hee.

Zoe decorated herself by her coat hook. Long hair, big smile and eyelashes. That's our girl.
They are bringing home a lot of drawings and such, and I keep thinking I need to take pictures and post. Trying to catch up. It was a busy week as Roman started gymnastics and Zoe started dance class. And we signed Roman up for Scouts. He'll be a Lion. If he sticks with it he'll then be a Tiger.

Lion. Tiger. Bear? Oh my, no, that's later. Too bad.

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