Friday, June 5, 2009

Elm Creek

We took a trip to Maple Grove on Wednesday. We ended up walking around the shopping area, but I wanted to check out Elm Creek Park Reserve. Wow! We'll be going back.
We found a nice shady spot in the picnic/playground area. Here are the kids, ready for the camera (as always)

We didn't stay long. It was time for a bottle and Zoe wasn't having any part of the one I brought for her. She was fussy Tuesday afternoon at daycare too. I was trying to get them to transition to a heavier flow bottle (rated for 6 months - at 8 that should work, no? No.) So home we headed...


Anonymous said...

oh, this is just great! mr & mrs 'personality!' may many more park adventures ensue!


darcie said...

They are just too cute! I swear they get more cute with every post! Can't wait til they are running in opposite directions at the park! Just you wait!?! ;)