Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Post holiday reflections

This is pretty much how I felt all weekend...

I don't know if it was the cloudy weather or just a need to do nothing, but all weekend I'd get to the point where I could almost nap and then be sucked back into the world of the living. Not true. Your Dad let me take a nap during an opportune time for him to finish up his landscaping work in the backyard. I needed the "me" time! Let me turn my brain off, please!

Tonight I was starting to feel a little more normal, a little more bright eyed and alert. A little like this...

Yesterday we played in the yard, even had the kiddie pools out. 1.5 of them. The .5 because ring #2 of the inflatable pool is kaput, but no matter. At the end of the day I told Zoe we had to dump the water out. She kept telling me that would make her sad.  But given that all afternoon she kept saying "I'm having a FUN day", I guess it might make me sad too to see my pool go away.

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