Sunday, May 22, 2011

De plane! De Plane!

Not a good weekend for Blaine Aviation Days (rain, rain and then more rain...oh and lets throw in some wind and maybe a tornado in the area). But it's close to home, it's free and we got nothing to lose by checking it out. After a picnic in the back of the minivan (I was thinking of you, Annie!), we headed into the hanger where 15-18 planes were protected from the elements (and so were we!).

I realized I know nothing about planes. And now I know next to nothing. At a mail plane a volunteer (or owner perhaps) called us over like a carnival barker and gave us some information. I did not know some planes were wrapped in a canvas like cloth instead of aluminum. Actually I just better stop there because I'm already wading into territory I don't know about. Except it's true. And you don't want to let one of these planes sit out in a hail storm.

But you might want to stop for some pictures.

Ms Z wasn't too impressed "I want to go that-a-way!"

 Roman wanted to go that a-way too. This one reminded me of Luigi from Cars. Hmm, I've said that before (the car show). Perhaps it's just the yellow paint!

The rain DID let up for awhile, so we were able to go outside, where Dad stole the camera.

 And I made him take some of the 3 of us to prove that I really did exist in your life.

 Not a clue.

By the way this is one place where a 12 year old kid can boss you around. They had some volunteers and this kid was taking his job seriously when he told us to move to the side of the runway because a plane was going to be trolleyed thru. Yeah, about 5 minutes later at about 3 mph. It was kind of funny (when I realized the power trip this kid was enjoying).

 And this little guy....just your size.

  Airplane noises, everyone!

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