Monday, April 16, 2012

Groupon, perhaps my downfall

I probably should unsubscribe from Groupon. Impulse buys. Not good when you should be watching the wallet, so to speak. And it kind of makes me wonder how these places can stay in business. But whatever, I'll just take advantage of trying out new stuff at a discount!  
We hit the "pop in play time" at Pump it Up last week. Preschool only fun.

A place to ride?

Sure - but it's really a play place comprised of giant inflatables. Some of it was out of your league. You could get up this first climbing wall, but once you got the top you dropped back down. 

Uh, no. Not gonna go to the next wall on the other side (ironically enough smaller than this one...but it got bigger, much bigger after that).

The giant bouncy house was fun.  Apparently this one was actually a jousting ring too. When the big kids have their fun.

We had an hour and half and the time was split into two different auditoriums with 3 different inflatables in each.


You spent most of your time in the bouncy bouncy ones. 

Drop and give me 20, Zo.

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