Thursday, May 31, 2012

Time to unpack the 18 month old Amazon purchase

There are times when I go a little bit nuts with the online sales.  The box with the little red wheelbarrow sat downstairs for 2 winters, so I'm guessing I got this sometime in the fall 2010. Dang! I so wanted to say 'aught 10'. But that isn't right. I suppose I could lie so I could say 'aught 9', but is it really worth it?

And any rate, Roman was helping out. He likes pieces of things. He likes things that go together. Ask him to put his shoes on and he'll whine "I don't know HOW to put my shoes on". Except when he forgets that he doesn't know how to put his shoes on he'll sit right in front of me and put his socks AND his shoes on. There's a bit of defiance built into a 3.5+ year old. Par for the course I guess.

'I don't know HOW to walk.' Except when he gets a new wheelbarrow.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

New favorite picture

Underexposed and needs some work with more than I have installed...but they're both looking at the camera. I suppose it's the anticipation of the Sparky the Seal show at Como Zoo...

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The animal kingdom

Spiders on our planter (photo credit: Daddy)

So we went up north to enjoy the views, like this.

But we were drawn inside when this little butterfly zoomed in through the open door.

Gotta get up close, you know.
Nature interlude... 

Meanwhile, a few days later back at the ranch Roman spotted this guy next to us. He wasn't able to fly away from us, even when we got close.

So I picked him up.
I was struck by how big his body and legs were. Furry.

And Roman admired him.

I sent Roman in the house to go get his Dad. Eventually I had to go in myself, with this guy on my shirt. Looks like it's an Emperor Moth.

Once your Dad saw it, he said we'd better show Zoe. She'd put herself down for a nap about half an hour earlier (really, she did). But when I went in to get her she was staring off into space. Quiet time, I guess.  So she got to see it up close.

Like her brother. Such a Roman pose.

Assume the position. 

Notice the feather like antennae.

And it was time to let him go. Your Dad feared his wings got wet (as one of us was spraying the hose near him...ahem.) and he wouldn't be able to fly.

I brought him outside and Zo got her chance. I'm just thinking now that we didn't have him long enough to name him. Given the opportunity Zoe would have called him Zoe. Popular name in the Zo repertoire of names.  But, alas, away he flew...

Monday, May 28, 2012

Playground tour summer 2012

Fun at Wolfe Park. Had to look it up. I stumbled on it one day when I went to the nearby Trader Joe's (St Louis Park)

Pretty little park.

With a nice vine covered pergola like structure to sit under while the kids play.

Or for to pose for pictures

With mom.

In fact, we bought some vines for our very own patio after seeing this. 

It's true, Zo.

See? Nice view from the bench. 

And a pond with AMINALS.

This is where we saw a lot of turtles sunning themselves on a log. And geese. HONK.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

(Mostly) Monday at (mostly) Lutsen

So we drove up to Lutsen on a Sunday and had all day Monday to play. No rain - hooray! Time to skip rocks on the beach. 

Sit on the patio with Grandma B.

Sit on the patio with Grandpa Jon (say it with me, French style pronunciation, Jean)

Grandma Candy

And a walk on the beach out front. Looking at rocks.

Throwing rocks.

Collecting rocks.

Combing through them for that perfect agate.

A little playdough time with Grandma B as Zoe and Mom napped.

In the lobby. Rustic.


A little hike with Grandma C

The only one I could get to pose on the beach.

So. Many. Rocks.

More skipping, but this time in Grand Marais.

After your Dad took this picture I heard "that's a good one...looks like Zoe's going to bash you on the head with a rock." Not sure how to take that.

Both Zoe (above) and Roman fell asleep on my lap after gorging themselves on marshmallows the 2nd night. It was nice. It NEVER happens. 
We had gone out later than the first night, so we could see stars. We did see satellites. And maybe a bird. Or at least that's what started us all looking at the sky and contemplating...

Then back to the Lutsen Lodge, where we went quickly to sleep.

Not that you woke up as your Dad and I carried you to the room...