Friday, May 4, 2012

Don't lose this Marble!

Let us preface this entry with a funny anecdote about Roman and his marbles. He always loses them! But he loves his marbles, Shawn had given him this whole tower system with spirals and tunnels and zig-zags for the marbles to go down. Grandma Jane talked to the Easter Bunny and had him search hi and lo for extra marbles. Seems that they are hard to find these days. Not so much for this next little marble. So with out further adieu, let me introduce the newest (short-term) member of our family: Marbles the baby Western Painted Turtle!

He is just a hair bigger than a quarter. Roman and Zoe and Grandma Candy found him on the sidewalk at a local park. I got a phone call at work, and all I heard was R+Z chatting about a baby turtle... the first question out of my mouth was " Well, are you bringing it home?"  Roman had the honor of naming it. We were trying to come up with a name, at first it was Penny because he was so small, and the bottom shell was orangey and copper, but Zoe said no. Then  came Squirt from Finding Nemo, the baby sea turtle. Not so much. Then Roman said he was small like a marble. There it was! Good job, Roman!

Now we said short-term member. We (I) figured to keep him for a month or so, just to study and learn. Like Curious George did with the tadpoles/frogs. then we will let him go back to the pond from whence he came. And don't worry, the kids don't handle him, they just observe. We know the dangers of salmonella, so no one touches him. But R+Z are just enthralled to watch him. A fun summer "pet" project!

Whee! Kind of reminds me of Tuck from the Wonder Pets! That would have been a good name too!


Mary said...

So apparently it's 'Marble' singular, not 'Marbles' plural. Who says? Roman.

Anonymous said...

Roman carried his "flat marble" around all day last Monday. Ask Mike about that. He gave Roman one of those clear glass marbles that are used in flower arrangements. Cute. Roman calls them flat marbles.

Mary said...

I guess a marble is a marble Grandma B, even if it's a 'flat marble'. I think Roman has the collector gene. He likes his stuff. And likes it close by!

darcie said...

Is Marble really that small? Let's see a post where he's next to a quarter! My kids would love him too!
And, if you still need more marbles - Santa found some nice net bags (like the good old days) at Walmart and put them in our kiddos stockings - so you could check there - (walmart, not the kids' stockings!) ;)

Mary said...

Darcie- Mike posted about our Marble. While I wouldn't say he is 'quarter size' I might agree to half dollar. He's small and he's really, really cute. Thanks for the tip on the small m marbles too!