Wednesday, May 16, 2012

This day

You're turning into such a self sufficient little girl, Zo. Wash and condition your own hair. Brush your teeth. Brush your hair. Dress yourself in big girl pants. Hurray.
Your brother? Not so much. 'I DON'T WANT TA'.
I think we're taking for granted the way you two say things, or at least I'm thinking I'll remember NEXT DAY. Never mind that LAST DAY is hard enough to remember.
My personal current favorite: ' THAT WHY YOU CAN'T DO THAT', often voiced in a very indignant manner and used in an interesting way. Like Roman has a cup of water and he spills it. "WAAA.  THAT WHY YOU CAN'T DO THAT" I.e. that's why you can't give me an open topped cup of water to handle all by myself. It's gonna spill. It's an all purpose phrase that we've decided to throw back at you when something doesn't go our way. Mommy dropped a bowl and broke it? THAT WHY YOU CAN'T DO THAT! Your dad said he almost used it in class (and if I knew anything technical about architectural drafting, I'd put it here). I just know it's going to come out of my mouth at work some day. Project teetering on the brink of failure? THAT WHY YOU CAN'T DO THAT!

1 comment:

Mary said...

from anonymous:
Ha ha ha ha ha. Love children's wisdom. Scary when you think they are echoing our words. Say something you shouldn't in front of a child and they will say it in front of your pastor. That's why you can't do that.
(I accidentally deleted this comment before posting...THAT WHY YOU CAN'T DO THAT)