Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The animal kingdom

Spiders on our planter (photo credit: Daddy)

So we went up north to enjoy the views, like this.

But we were drawn inside when this little butterfly zoomed in through the open door.

Gotta get up close, you know.
Nature interlude... 

Meanwhile, a few days later back at the ranch Roman spotted this guy next to us. He wasn't able to fly away from us, even when we got close.

So I picked him up.
I was struck by how big his body and legs were. Furry.

And Roman admired him.

I sent Roman in the house to go get his Dad. Eventually I had to go in myself, with this guy on my shirt. Looks like it's an Emperor Moth.

Once your Dad saw it, he said we'd better show Zoe. She'd put herself down for a nap about half an hour earlier (really, she did). But when I went in to get her she was staring off into space. Quiet time, I guess.  So she got to see it up close.

Like her brother. Such a Roman pose.

Assume the position. 

Notice the feather like antennae.

And it was time to let him go. Your Dad feared his wings got wet (as one of us was spraying the hose near him...ahem.) and he wouldn't be able to fly.

I brought him outside and Zo got her chance. I'm just thinking now that we didn't have him long enough to name him. Given the opportunity Zoe would have called him Zoe. Popular name in the Zo repertoire of names.  But, alas, away he flew...

1 comment:

jane said...

What an amazing lesson in nature.
I don't think I have ever held a living moth like that.