Tuesday, July 10, 2012


It had to happen.

At some point your Dad became frustrated with the "I don't want to go to bed" routine and flipped the lock on your door so WE could lock it and keep you in.  (Yes We are Awesome Parents?)

Problem solved, but it doesn't come without its dilemmas.  Seems kind of mean. Seems kind of misguided (i.e. deal with the problem with words and "I'm in charge here" kind of maneuvers).   Seems unsafe (ever since I was young I've lived in fear of house fires....even slept with bra on for the longest time 'just in case'.  Just in case you're stuck outside in the middle of the night with just your pajamas and tv cameras aimed at you. Is that too much sharing? ;) We have a small audience here, so...so what? Don't tell me you don't have quirks that are based on something silly.  

The modified lock is a Bad Idea because....someone is going to get locked in. SOMEONE is going to click that lock and shut the door when you Mom is in there putting laundry away or tidying up.
SOMEONE is going to push that button and shut the door with Roman, Zoe and Grandma Candy in the room when no one else is home.

No fear.  After a few panicked minutes and a I search that resulted in no sharp pointy objects (Parents: redeemed),  Grandma MacGyvered it out of the room with a flattened out key ring.

Go Grandma.

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