Sunday, September 30, 2012

Sever'sCorn Maze 2012 - first visit!

Afternoons for which the blog was made.

Or for which I like to take pictures.

The jumping pillows.

We got you both on. Some of you were intentionally catching some air.

Some of you unintentionally catching some air and with much regret. 

others, not so much fear*. *until he smacked his nose on some other mama.

Eating a pretzel?

That's about right.

As we wait for the wild animal show.

I've learned to love owls. 
So impressive.

And the exotic animal tent? (Camel)


I don't believe I'd ever seen one in person and when he did a little hop...well "aaaaaw." And even more "aaaaaaw": there was a mommy with a baby in the pouch. 

Grandma Candy bought some seed and feed so you could attempt to feed the aminals. Some with a spoon, like these.

Pretty cool. 

Some not so threatening.

Notice it's mostly Roman?

Since about day one with the animals.

But we found something Zo would go near.

My Little Pony!

Fake cows to milk. 


Pig races to watch.
Your dad swears it was Joe Soucheray sitting next to us with his grandkids. After the first race I did overhear one say "is that IT?". So yeah, that's probably about right. ;)

But the most wonderful, your mama wants to go back every year (and temporarily wants a new pet) moment?

Canary tent.

I'm told these aren't canaries.

But who cares?



Flying birds at her head? Not so much.

But she was okay next to dad.

On my arm!

We actually ran out of time and didn't make it to the corn maze, but you two got a quick run through the little straw bale maze.

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