Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Christmas 2013 at home

Who's the last one up on Christmas morning?
BUT, to be fair, who is the one who went in the top bunk with Roman when he woke up crying in the middle of Christmas morning/night to soothe him? Dad. And stayed there (and Roman slept soundly thereafter...or until 6 am).

Patiently waiting....but asking "when can we open the presents" about 5 billion times. Do I exaggerate? Only by adding 4,999,999,875 to the real number. (Did I get that right? I don't work in the billions very often)

It's a hoedown.

Or Zo down.
Thanks to Liz and Kevin.
What parent doesn't want a mini accordion for their kid (Roman, actuallly)?!

Or a horse riding Darth Vader?
By the way, Darth is for the big kid in the house, although Roman is suddenly taking an interest in all things Star Wars. He watched the movie (epidsode 4, the first one released) just last week with his Dad. Not sure there will be many surprises since a) he knows Luke and Leia are twins and b) he quotes "Luke I am your Father". But I think it meant a lot to Mike that you watched it with him. Zoe started to do so, but it was 'too loud' (just the way Dad has to watch it) and wasn't too interested. She came into the bedroom with me and chatted while I worked on the computer. When the cantina scene came up and the music played our ears perked up. For the longest time this was Dad's ringtone, so we both thought his phone was ringing. but when it dawned on me this was from the actual movie playing in the living room I told Zoe to go check it out. I know I always liked  that part, and that music was somehow compelling when I was a kid.
So there.

Zoe and her Rapunzel, much requested this season (along with a bunch of other things) and gifted to her by Grandma Candy. We'd seen this at Costco several times this year (along with Darth, above) and Zoe had her heart set on it (again, among may other things).  The other long awaited item was the horse, also in the picture. Since she got the doll to go on it, she could finally have the horse.  Roman was heavy on the Legos and Playmobil sets this year. He's a constructor.

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