Sunday, September 14, 2008

Easter bunnies? I thought it was storks......

The reason for this blog is to document and preserve our story of the twins. To keep record of events and anecdotal stories of them coming into this world and tales of their journey through life. So I bes' put something in here of the like. Lets start from the begining, shall we.

I got home from work on Tuesday, March 18th of 2008, and P-Mama had some news for babydaddy. She gets that way, where she cant wait. She told me she was pregnant, and I was like "Are you sure?" She showed me the test stick and sure enough, it read positve. She wanted to take another test to be sure, so she waited till morning as the test recommends. Now I dont get up that earlier in the morning for many things, but I was up bright and early for that. Second test confirmed it. We are having a baby! I was pretty excited, though I think P-Mama didnt think so at the time. I couldnt wait to tell people. P-Mama said "NO!!!" We have to wait till she goes to the doctors office and finds out from them. Ok, fine, I suppose I can wait for that. I am not one for keeping secrets, especially one of this magnatude. Though I did tell my coworker Kitty the next day. Sorry cant help it. We decided not to tell the rest of the family till Easter weekend, which would be Sunday March 30th, as we had reservations on the reservation - Black Bear Casino near Duluth, MN. Our friend, Liz - who played cupid and brought us together 5 yrs previous - always goes to casinos on Easter and her eldest son Andrew went to university in Duluth. So we all met up there for the weekend. Thats where we will tell my mother and Liz.

So, try to come up with some clever way to tell your mother that she's gonna be a grandmother in a casino on Easter weekend. Hmmm. "Dont lose all your money, you need it for an Easter basket for your grandchild", not quite what I had in mind. "Oh, you just won a hundred bucks? Not bad for a Grandma..." still not quite right. So all day we go back and forth waiting for the right time to say something. Finally G-Maw, P-Mama, and babydaddy go to the buffet to get something to eat. We get seated at a booth. The table is shoved a little to close to G-Maw's side. She makes a comment about sliding the table our way because she cant fit behind it. So I make a comment that "It wont be long before P-Mama wouldnt fit behind the table either." Shoomp, right over her head. It took her like 3 minutes to figure out what I had just said. And then the water works came. She couldnt wait to tell Liz. We hurried up and ate, then found Liz and G-Maw didnt even get the words out and Liz knew. G-Maw was amazed that Liz knew right away while it took herself a few minutes to figure it out.

On the way back from the casino we stopped at P-Mamas parents for Easter Dinner. Again trying to be clever in delivering the news, P-Mama had to wait for the right moment. But she balked everytime. After her eldest brother and sister in law left, then the next brother left. "Ok Mary, are you gonna say something?" Finally she just blurted it out. "Very interesting" was about the only thing said for the next 5 minutes. I think it took a minute for it to sink in. They were very excited and we went home, now having half of the family in the know. P-Mama will have to add her side of the story as we go along here. Especially the next segment of announcements.

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