Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Our little one week olds are making progress. Both have their ivs out and yesterday both started the process of being weaned off the isolette and into an open crib. This step ensures that they can keep their body temperture up and not expend too much energy doing so. We've certainly learned a lot about premie care!

Roman is about a day or two behind Zoe as far as milestones, which is a narrowing of the gap from the first days. Yesterday Dad had to go back to work, but he drove Mom in and came up to say hello. By 9 o'clock both were alert and looking around. We're lucky in a day if we get to see them alert, those little eyes open. Dad got to see Zoe active last night for the 9pm feeding, but Roman just wasn't having it. Let me sleep! I don't blame him.

Okay Roman, we're counting on some alertness today so we can get a good photo!

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