Monday, March 7, 2011

Builders of the future

So this last time we went to the MN Children's Museum we visited the craft room. I didn't know what to expect, but apparently the activities in this room change weekly or so and involve a variety of tactile activities for kids. That is pretty cool. While we were there it was building blocks. Wood ones, plastic ones, foam ones. You three got to task on building a castle.

"Zoe's castle".  At the beginning of Disney films there is always an image of a castle (the Magic Kingdom?) and you two announce it every time. "Castle". And often it's either Zoe's castle (Tinkerbell) or Roman's castle (Cars). Since it's always the same castle I don't know how you arrived at that, but so be it.  It's funny too how you've identified yourself with colors. Anything pink is Zoe's, no questions asked. Blue is usually Roman, although I have been able to get by with giving little Miss a blue sippy cup. There was a point where that was fodder for argument.  But if pink makes you happy Zo, I'm more than happy to oblige.

The temporary exhibit right now is Legos. Oh boy.  Roman found this table (for 3 year olds and up...I guess we'll ignore that) and parked himself down and got to work. I wondered how many thousands of dollars of Legos were out. My goodness (or as Zoe is now keen to say "oh man!".

Zoe dug right in too. This building fascination isn't coming from me. I do recall having building blocks of some sort, maybe even Lincoln Logs, but I don't recall enjoying it all that much. I more remember looking at other people's creations and thinking that they did a good job, but mine was just a square block. Uninspired. Soviet, even. Ah well.

So you build...and take apart...and build...and take apart. I guess this is how we learn. I took Zoe out to the tot spot playing area (slides, stairs, general climbing mayhem) and she just wasn't into it without Roman there. Lackluster. So we headed on out to find your other half.

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