Saturday, March 5, 2011

You like

the aminals. Fairly often Zoe will tell me she wants to go see the animals. First time: normal voice. Second time: a little louder. Third time: loud, elongated/i.e. whine. Then  I tell her we aren't seeing animals today and she's fine. Next sentence out of her mouth: "I want Tinkerbell". That is a popular refrain in our house.
So she knows how to move on. I often think about what it's like to be their age. How they see the world. They definitely have their own little universe and the knowledge that they've picked up so far is really astounding!

We went to the zoo a few weeks ago and this is about the only usable picture! I keep trying to get one with the turtle statue at the beginning of the indoor walk, but it never happens. Oh well. I'm thinking they'll be ample opportunity for more photo ops :)

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