Saturday, March 19, 2011

We need the green!

The zoo was only half our trip.  I hadn't been to the Conservatory in quite awhile. And as it's right there next to the zoo (or part of the zoo), it was a good chance to look around. We started off in the tropical gardens. I hadn't been there at all, and apparently it's pretty new. I tried to take some picture when we first went in and my lens fogged up!

As we rounded the bend we were able to take a look at some fish. And Roman had a good time looking at the ants. Nothing new to you two backyard explorers. But still. It was fun to watch them walk with a leaf 3 times their size.

And the fern room. Not the same as when I was a kid (and when your Grandpa Jon was a kid). The old spot seems to have been a traditional spot for family phototaking (the proof is somewhere!).  But this newer one is quite nice. And I think a great place to document your wanderings.
Waterfall? Cool.

Stream? You betcha.

Rock upon which to sit? Wunderbar.

Rock upon which to smile? Even better.

But that stream is calling your name...

And one last indulgence for your mama. Yes, I'm looking at the camera, but don't ask me to smile again while doing so. Note the brother (and grandma) in the background.

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