Wednesday, February 15, 2012

This is THE place to go in February

In Minnesota.
Although for posterity's sake I must note that this has been about the mildest winter I can remember. We maybe shoveled twice. I was going to say once, but the truth is your Dad takes care of that now (for the most part) and I can't be counted on for accuracy. But almost no snow- of that report I do not lack confidence. But not enough snow to go sledding or build a snowman. And only a few short bursts of cold. And not COLD cold. It's amazing how fast we can all get used to milder weather. Or not amazing at all I guess.

We made a trip to Como Zoo and Conservatory today. You both woke up cranky as heck, but it seemed like a good idea. I sold it as "let's get dressed and then I have a surprise for you". That's always fun, especially since you MUST guess what it is. "Is it a treat?". No. We have to get in the car and go somewhere. "What is it?" And assorted whining/crying/I woke up on the wrong side of bed behavior. But eventually we got out of the house. All the while talking about where it was we might be going. 

Were you happy when we got there?
Was I happy we went?
That, my dears, is success for a Wednesday in the middle of February. Or maybe any day.

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