Sunday, October 12, 2008

Thank God for Grandmas

The title says it all. This weekend both grandmas have stepped up to the plate and offered their help with the little ones. After a few days of having both home the gratitude I feel can't be expressed to its fullest. There aren't words.
Thank you grandmas!

In our house we're in our own little world, a world without days or hours really, just cycles of eating, pooping and sleeping. A couple of hours in between and back at it. It's very quiet and calm here, but I was getting a bit exhausted and stressed out, especially when Roman starting spitting up after every feeding, and especially when he wasn't eating as much. A nurse visit early on Friday showed he did gain 4 ounces in two days though, just like his sister.
Grandma B spent the night last night and took over all the feedings, leaving me to get up and pump (echos of SNL Hans and Franz come to mind) throughout the night but not have to spend 40 or 60 minutes feeding the dynamic duo every 3 hours. Dad got a full night's sleep - the first in a long while.

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