Thursday, October 2, 2008

You're talking to the hand...

I'm not really even sure what that means, but how else could I title this?

We've got numerous photos of Roman with this expression on his face because the camera has a red eye light that goes off before taking the picture. It makes Roman squint. It makes Roman look like Mel Blanc according to Dad. Not sure where that came from, but that's what he's said. I guess it's the animation fan in him (and appropriate for Roman's namesake).

Yesterday was a sleepy day for both, and last night their temps were down. They're working a bit harder to stay warm in room temp. Zoe ripped out her NG tube (tube in nose to facilitate feeding) in the morning and bypassed that process all day. Mom and Dad both got to practice a little bottle feeding (takes less energy than breastfeeding) and burping on both. One of the nurses mentioned awhile back that some of these babies can burp like a 3rd grader. We're working our way on up to that. Who knew eliciting a burp could be so gratifying?

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