Friday, October 3, 2008

Thursday & Friday #2

I should be resting. Maybe that is the default I should start with from now on.... But I'm eating dinner and figured I could multi-task while doing so.
Yesterday was a rough day for your mom. Lots going on, lots of the unexpected. But everyday is a new day. Today was better.

First off the we learned right away in the morning that if Zoe continued to gain weight (she's gaining a good ounce or more a day, not quite up to her 5 lb 6oz birthweight, but getting there) she would be going home Saturday, October 4. Wow. Mom was not expecting that. It became a lot more real. Then Mom experienced what Dad had experienced the day before - while feeding Zoe a bottle her heart rate dropped and the breathing paused. Most noticed because the monitor started beeping. Apparently the part of their brain that makes this whole breathing thing automatic isn't fully developed. So when she really gets going on the bottle (and she does), she sometimes 'forgets' to breathe. This gives mom a heart attack. Little girl! Wake up. Today brought a better understanding. Yesterday I didn't realize the cause. Now I do, and it's a matter of watching her carefully when she's eating.

We've got to remember they aren't supposed to be here yet. We're asking a lot of both of them. And they are giving it their all and doing well.

Roman is improving, but they won't give us even an estimated time of discharge. He's got to get all his food without the NG. He was having issues with the bottle because of tongue tie (I didn't know what that was until Wednesday when the lactation consultant asked if either of us had a history of it - nope...then proceeded to talk about it like it wasn't news to me). Again with the unexpected. Mom doesn't like the unexpected. But Mom better get used to it. This brought home the concept of parenthood. Having to make decisions for the welfare of little ones who depend on you. Big responsibility. So today little Roman had the frenulum snipped so that he could have better range of motion with the tongue, which should help him eat better and help to avoid speech problems. Mom was worried about the procedure; worried about whether it was the right thing to do. The doctor came in the afternoon and took him to another room (thank you, I didn't want to watch). Five minutes later out comes Roman. Fast asleep. He didn't even cry. No big deal.

This makes Mom happy. I fed him afterward and he didn't pretty darn good. John McCain is the Maverick of the Senate. Oh sorry. Lapsing into Sarah Palin speak. Mom is tired, mom has only been seeing 15 minute clips of tv and "pretty darn good" turns on the Sarah Palin accent in her head. I stop.

I should be resting. :)

Meanwhile Dad is visiting during the 9 o'clock feeding.
Mom sent him out to buy new car seats after she realized buying used ones made her nervous. No more cheapskate for their safety.

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