Sunday, November 16, 2008

Shannon -Thanks for visiting!

Well Aunt Shannon is on her way home to Chicago now. Both Mom and Dad really enjoyed her visit - we wish we lived closer to each other! :) Zoe and Roman are lucky to have such a kind and generous aunt. They'll be decked out in cute outfits for awhile! Above is one set. Most of the others, even though they are labelled newborn are still a bit big for our preemies. We'll be updating the blog as they begin to fill them out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wsy to Go! Auntie Shannon!

So glad that Roman and Zoe have these pics so they can remember your visit!


P.S. When your Uncle Ron was born, I made a trip from Peoria to Chicago to show his mom how to clip his fingernails! :-) Fair payback for all she and Morrie did for me as a student nurse nearby them earlier.