Thursday, February 26, 2009

Happy Happy Joy Joy

How is it that when you two were smaller I seemed to have more time (or focus) to blog? Zoe and Roman now eat less often, so it doesn't feel like a nonstop cycle of eating, but they also nap less often. Roman hasn't quite figured out sleeping thru the night, although we got lucky last night. Ms Zoe has and only had a few 'blips' since she first slept thru. Roman was getting up between 3 and 4 for several weeks, now it's shifted to 1am or so. Oy.

Zoe still doesn't fuss when she wakes up. No crying, just kicking the legs and looking around. And chattering - both of them are doing a lot more talking. It's funny. Zoe doesn't fuss in the morning, but she does get cranky later in the day, or around bedtime and can let out a high pitched scream that sends the neighbor dogs running. Okay, not really. It's winter and all the windows are closed, but she's got a shrill scream. I always say "Zoe, Zoe, it's okay..." and then I think it's good she's got an annoying scream. The better to use if she needs to draw attention to herself - in one of those situations parents don't want to think about (yet I have).

There's something about becoming a parent - maybe it's losing that strong focus on yourself. I think about that a lot, about how much I want to protect them and how much I want them to grow up confident and unafraid to expand beyond their comfort zones. I want them to experience life and not hide themselves. I suppose that's my version of the parent who pushes their kids to fulfill their own dreams (the pageant queen, the all star jock). I want confident, happy kids.

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