Friday, February 20, 2009

No new pictures!

Yes! We have no Bananas! (another favorite ♫ off one of the library kids cds).
No new pictures. It's been awhile since I took any.

Life instead has been shifting itself around. Our heads are above water, but we're swimming a bit more. Ah metaphors... Times of great change always make me think about the time after the great change. I wonder what life will look like. I've been this way for as long as I can remember - I distinctly remember walking upstairs in my brother's bedroom and thinking "next year I'll be in school" and anticipating how good that would feel. I was the youngest in the family and in the neighborhood, so I couldn't wait.

Great change? The cascading effect of the economy and Daddy's job. Who knows how it'll all pan out, but I see better times ahead. Like seeing more of your dad. He's been working a lot less hours of late, and although I know it's not permanent it is really nice to have him around. He's so good with you guys. He makes you laugh. He loves you two so much.

The other night we were sitting around and once again it hit me how profound it is to be a family. We're a family. I LOVE my family, and despite the changes it has made to our lives (and the sometimes difficult moments, mostly early on when I really thought I was going to lose it), there is nothing else that can take its place.

Zoe and Roman's smiles when I come home from work make my day. And so does the Wheel of Fortune half hour, a new family tradition. Yeah, we're turning into old fuddy duddies, but you know what? I don't really care. It is us.

And this weekend the twins turn 5 months old. 5 months! It's gone so fast and so slow, impossible I know, but it is true.

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