Saturday, February 14, 2009

How about me, will you be my valentine?

Roman's a bit more challenging. Your timing's got to be just right or, oops no more clean outfit. That is the case above (see arm), although Mom's just going to ignore it because I ran out of time before I could go back and take another picture of you in this outfit with your eyes open.
I was able to snap another one a bit later when you were asleep. Cutie pie.:)

When I came home from work Friday night Zoe and I spent some time looking at each other. She's in to studying faces. I couldn't get over how much older she's looking. On a tangentially related note I think she might develop her dad's "bull" look. Some time back I identified this when he was mad, he looked to me like a bull ready to storm. I could picture the steam coming out of his nostrils. Then I thought "Chicago Bull" and that nailed it. Why does Mommy feel the need to come up with nicknames for Daddy? He's also known as Thor, but I don't think we've mentioned that here before. Oy vey.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, such bea U ti Ful babies. They only grow moreso! Loved 'little flirt' :-)
Happy Belated Valentine's Day!

Your heart is full!

Love, annie